You may already know some famous traditions of happiness signs such as four leaves clover, a rainbow, a shooting star in the night sky.
When we find these happiness signs , it always makes our feeling great and exciting.
You may see happiness signs when you are in a difficult time in your life.
And it shows that your genie ( or guardian angel or higher self or spirit guide or whatever you call it, based on your belief ) is contacting you through these signs.
Today, in this post, I would like to share more about happiness signs which sometimes come in the form of numbers .
Angel Numbers
Sometimes when we see the time with a digital clock, it happens to show all the same three numbers.
Or you sometimes happen to see the same numbers somewhere
, it shows that it has an important message from your genie or guardian angel through the numbers.
Each series of three ( or more ) numbers have different meanings, which are from 111.. to 999...
photo credit: WYOMING 1963, HOUSE TRAILER plate via photopin (license)
Here are the meanings of each numbers.
111 -
Your new life which you think is starting up.
Whether it’s good or bad, life will go to the direction in which you are thinking about the most. So think positive and think about what you wish.
222 -
Your wish will come true.
It’s a message to believe what you are wishing now , no matter what happened, so that your wish will become reality.
Whatever you are believing, keep on going.
333 -
Ascended Masters are besides you and supporting you.
Keyword : Ascended master.
If you often see the number 333, feel your ascended master is besides you to support, so good to show your gratitude with love.
444 -
Many angels are with you and celebrating with you.
Keyword - Angel
If you often see the number 444, then you don’t need to worry about anything.
Angels will give you important awareness and guidance which are necessary for you and will give you love and peace .
555 -
Big change will happen in your life.
Keywords - Change, Transformations ,
If you happen to see the number 555, it shows that prepare to get a big change and that change is necessary experience to have better life .
666 -
Message to think about what is the most important thing in your life .
Keywords - tangible assets , material things,
If you happened to see the number 666, it shows that you are attaching to material things too much.
Listen to your higher self’s voice by feeling from your heart and ask what is the most important thing in your life.
777 -
It’s a celebrating message for your wish come true.
photo credit: SR N15 Class N0 777 Sir Lamiel 5 via photopin (license)
If you see the number 777, it shows that what you have been doing is balancing and well, so soon your wish will come true.
The keywords - Spirituality, upper region
If you often see the number 777, it shows you are on the right track and keep on going positively, so that miracles will happen.
888 -
Keywords : Let go, abundance
It’s a sign for harvest time for what you have been doing.
If you happened to see the number 888, it shows the result has arrived, from the things you have been doing and appreciate the result you have received.
999 -
Angel is navigating you to graduate from the situation you have been staying in, and connect to your higher self.
Keywords : complete, mission
It’s a message to you to accomplish your mission of your life.
Complete your necessary things that you may need to learn in material things and pay attention for your consciousness to connect to your higher self.