If you are feeling lack of concentration for examination or creative work, good to place your work desk in your study area of your office or room by facing your good luck direction. If you don’t know your personal good luck directions , you can check it here. For your child, If possible, it’s ideal to have your child’s room in study area ( listed below ) of your house. Placement of your work desk * Place the work desk in the far right corner, diagonally from the door. * Always sit facing one of your four lucky directions while working. * Desk is not directly with your back to the door. * There is no furniture with sharp edges pointing toward the desk. * Avoid to set your work desk in a way where it directly faces the bathroom ( toilet ) door or staircase. * Avoid to set your work desk in a way that places you directly underneath an exposed overhead beam. ( it may give you pressure and headaches. ) Feng shui lucky item to improve your education & career luck ...
Many kind of feng shui methods tips, good luck charm mystery and my personal feng shui experience. All about good luck tips, life success and self-improvement. post your comment with your opinion and experience.