photo credit: Mantle decorations via photopin (license)
Mirror is an excellent feng shui tool to bring good Qi energy from outside in your home.
A mirror can also used as fixing Qi energy in the missing corners and columns in your home.
Mirror symbolizes water in feng shui.
It can change the directions of Qi energy which go through your space and also can block the Qi energy as well, so if you place the mirror in the correct place, it can be a convenient feng shui tool to attract great fortune into your life.
Where are the best places to put mirrors ?
* The most auspicious place to put a mirror in the entrance is the left side wall of the entrance door when you stand in front of the entrance from inside.
( when you see the entrance from outside, mirror has to be in the right side )
Because Qi energy is going to the direction in counter clock wise.
* Also if you put a mirror in the left side wall when you stand in front of the entrance door , facing the door from inside, it’s good for career, business luck.
* If you put a mirror in the right side wall when you stand in front of the entrance door facing the door from inside, it’s said to attract wealth luck.
However, putting mirrors in both side ( left and right side ) is not good luck, always good to put a mirror in the left side. ( seeing the entrance from inside ).
* Avoid to put a mirror in front of the entrance door.
Because the Qi energy which is coming from outside will be reflected back.
Putting a mirror in the west side of a wall is good for wealth and relationship luck.
Exceptions are -
* Unless that direction is in front of your entrance.
* Unless it’s located near the entrance of your children’s room and living room.
Avoid to put a mirror in the entrance of these rooms.
What type of mirror is good ?
Octagon shape
Octagon shaped mirror is a well-balanced shape to give harmony to all the feng shui 8 directions.
Octagon shaped mirror is good to put in the North entrance to protect your finance.
If your entrance is in the South direction, it’s also good to put a octagon shaped mirror, it will increase your talent and beauty.
Round shape
Round shaped mirror is also match with entrance in feng shui as well as octagon shape.
Large size is better for round shaped mirror since good Qi energy can go in and out smoothly through it.
Oval shape
Oval shaped mirror is good for beauty, so it’s good to put it in the bedroom. ( except for the area in front of the bed. )
Please note :
Whichever shape of mirror you choose, the most important point when you place a mirror is not to put it in front of your entrance door and also not to put it in front of a window.
Bagua Mirror
All the 8 shapes positions of Bagua mirrors symbolize nature power.
The mirror in the center of the bagua collects sha energy ( negative energy ) and the power of the bagua shape lock the sha energy so that it will not flow out.
Bagua mirrors ( both concave and convex ) are very powerful feng shui tools to protect from sha energy coming into your space, and it’s always good to place outside of your house.
* Convex ( bubble up )
Convex style bagua mirror is a powerful protection tool which reflects back all the negative energy.
If your house entrance is facing to an electric pole or a high building, or if there is a building which has sharp poison arrow energy directed to your house entrance , it’s good to put a convex style bagua mirror to protect you and your family members who live in your house.
* Concave ( dish in )
Concave style bagua mirror is a powerful protection tool which fights against sha energy , for example, energies coming from a road, river, cemetery, hospital, trash box where there are negative energy.
Concave babua mirrors have power to collect all the sha energy in the space and kill it.
If your house entrance is located in
* a T-junction
* a dead-end street
* a place where there are stairs in front of your house entrance
* a busy road
It’s good to put a concave bagua mirror outside of the entrance door to kill all the sha energy.
Please note :
If your neighbor’s entrance door is facing your entrance door, a concave bagua mirror will collect any sha energy and kill it so it’s good to put it for the protection.
However convex bagua mirror and flat mirror reflect back the sha energy, please avoid to put these types of mirrors in your entrance door to keep harmony with your neighbor.
* Flat shape
Flat shaped mirrors have power to collect good Qi energy, and also have power to reflect back the sha energy.
It’s good to place it in the areas where it is easy to lose yin yang energy’s balance.
If your house is located
* near a cemetery
* near a hospital
* near a place where there was a war in the past.
* near a trash box
It’s good to put a flat mirror in the area which is directed towards the place.
For more information about feng shui tips,
you can find read it at the link below,