1. Displaying a frog figurine, especially money frog called the 3 legged money frog near your entrance door, facing the entrance door will collect money from outside.
2. Placing a mirror near the entrance door, but not directly in front of the entrance door. Because if you place a mirror in front of the entrance door, energy will be reflecting back to outside whenever you open the door.
Good to place a mirror facing to the window if it is not directly to the entrance door.
3. Displaying a plant near the entrance will clean the energy around the space. Good to place at least one plant near the entrance.
4. If there is no window near your entrance door, and dark, good to place a light or turn on the light all the time, so that qi energy will flow.
5. If there is a window in front of your entrance door, good to place a decorative screen so that you can not see the window when you come in from outside.
6. Placing a Rug mat in front of the entrance door, both inside and outside.
Rug mat can clean the energy which came from outside.
7. Keep always clean around the entrance.
Make sure shoes are always in the shoes box and not leaving around the entrance door.
8. Place a scent which makes the space fresh and make everyone feel good.
9. Place some coals near the entrance. It has power to clean Qi energy.
10. Place some sea salt putting on a small dish, ( like making a triangle shape ), then pour small amount of sake over the sea salt.
This can increase your wealth and health luck.
11. If possible, choose a house where the entrance is facing to Southeast direction. Southeast entrance is good luck.
12. Placing live soft pink color flowers near the entrance door.
This can make your feeling soft and brings good relationship with harmony.
It’s not good to place dry flowers or fake flowers in feng shui.
Always healthy live flowers or plants are the best to display.
13. Teddy bears, stuffed animals, dolls are not good to display near the entrance. These items can take away good Qi energy.
14. Put a framed photograph or painting near the entrance.
Good to have the image which shows light and cheerful image.
15. Aquarium is great to display near the entrance door however make sure the water is clean, and need to keep it clean.
For more about feng shui tips for your entrance, please visit here