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Showing posts with the label feng shui tips

Feng shui tips - Music has power to change your day ?

Do you often listen to music ? As you know, music can change your mood, good or bad. In Feng Shui, you are your environment. Your home and office are a reflection of your inner and outer world. Your mood influences the energy flow around your space . When the music plays in the environment, it optimizes the flow of energy into our brain and body and also in the environment. Plants grows well when we play music the plant loves, or when the vibration fits with plants in the room. Especially, it’s said that Mozart music is powerful and somehow his music fits with plant‘s vibration. For my personal tastes, I often play Chopin, Camile Saint Saens, Tchaikovsky, Massenet and our plants grow really well for a long time. When you want to check the level of energy in your environment, plants are good idea to see the proof besides your own energy. If there is sha chi ( negative energy ) flowing around the space, plants die fast , and the plant

Feng shui tips - Major Space cleaning before you move into a new place

Whether you are going to buy a brand new house or a used house, it is very important to have major space cleaning before you move into a new place because it influences your life. If possible, it’s good to have space cleaning one week before the date you move into the new place. Especially if it’s a used house, previous occupant’s energy is still there. If possible, it’s best to buy a house which the previous owner left for good luck reason, such as a promotion, marriage, success, rather than no good fortune occupants. How to do major space cleaning ? 1. First, consciously notice all the feelings that you are having before you start cleaning. If you are not feeling good, or feel harm, or not well-balanced feeling, get full recovery from your problem first. I don’t recommend to do space cleaning until your feeling is fine. 2. Get rid of stuff you don’t need. Clothes, documents, magazines, etc.. And then clean your house normally, with vacuum cleaner, wipe everywher

Feng shui Tips - What do you need to check before you buy a house ?       Choosing a house may be one of the most important things in your life, because it influences your future, good or bad.  There are houses which bring you prosperity, good health, promotion, career success, family happiness, good relationship based on how the house is located on a land. Everyone wants to have a house which brings you happy fortune, and in order to avoid to have bad luck, I have listed here what you need to check before you buy a house. Outside of the house    1. Road should not directly aim to your house . The entrance door should not face an oncoming straight road . 2. The house should not be located in a dead end street . 3. The house should not be located in a T-junction . 4. The house should not be located in a corner lot . 5. The house should not be located in a Y-junction . 6. The house should not be located in a U-shape . 7. The house should not be located in a

Feng shui Yin & Yang in balance for personal Qi Energy

Everything in the universe is made of energy . Your body, your car, plants, trees, furniture, rocks, thoughts, light, everything else, everything around us is energy whether it’s matter or ether, solid or liquid, physical or emotional, chemical or nuclear, rock, paper, or scissors. Energy vibrates at different speeds, some fast, some slow, some fine, some dense. Thoughts are a fine, light form of energy which means they are quick and easy to change. Matter is dense, slow-moving energy. Thoughts are light energy and they are powerful. Personal Qi energy is the interface between your body’s energy and environment’s energy. Personal Qi energy is often referred to as the “ Aura.” Generally, you extend your aura when you feel comfortable, happy, safe and this makes you seem more approachable to others. When you are feeling down, fearful, unhappy, this typically causes you to retract your aura field, pull it in closer around you. You are constantly expanding and contracting your aura

Feng shui bedroom - Change your bedroom and make your wish come true

The bedroom is the place where your personal energy is recharged and relieved from your daily activities, mentally and physically. In feng shui, the bedroom influences your personal luck . We all get energy, good or bad while sleeping and if the bedroom is in a comfortable situation without any clutters, and allows good chi energy while sleeping, your luck will increase naturally. Depending on how you decorate your bedroom, it influences your sleeping and energy. Position for your bed * Good to place to the left or right of the door but not directly facing the door. * Make sure there is no convex part on the ceiling which is directed to your head while sleeping. If there is, it influences your health condition and some other luck, and this is bad feng shui. * No mirror in front of your bed. If you have to place mirror there, then good to cover it with cloth. * Bed should not be on the same side as door. * Good to place chest between wall and bed or just place

The Weather influences our feeling ? Do you have a habit to complain ?

No matter how we fix our living places based on feng shui science, if you have a habit to interpret things negative way, or look for negative things, it all becomes your personal energy, and influences your future. Depending on the places where you live, the weather, the scenery, the air, the temperature, these are all influencing our every day feeling. If you are not in the comfort zone of your living, it may be more easy to get irritation, annoyed, frustration and may be easy to see things negative way. Are you loving where you live ? The most recent research of study shows that the top most unhappy / depressed cities in the USA are 1. Portland, OR 2. St. Louis, MO 3. New Orleans, LA 4. Detroit, MI This data was based on depression, suicide, crime, divorce, cloudy days and unemployment rates , although this doesn’t mean all the people who live there are feeling unhappy. Portland, OR Overall rank

Feng shui for all kind of good luck, Is space cleaning really bring great fortune ?

Space cleaning is always necessary thing in feng shui because cleaning the space has power to remove all the negativity.  Without doing it, how can we attract more luck into our life ? It’s also believed that your living space reflects your mind and life. I was taught by my parent to keep always room clean, especially bathroom, kitchen and entrance are the major place to see how their life going when we visited our friends houses. I’m originally a lazy person who want to do things as easy as possible, but every time when I clean my space, I felt fantastic. Living in a clean neat place just make ourselves feel great. If things are well-organized, it’s more easy for things to go smoothly. From experience about bathroom in one of the company I used to work, When I started working for the company, I noticed that, there was bad smell in a hallway where there were bathrooms for men and women. The smell came from the bathroom. The company was in a old building and there must

Feng shui - Yin & Yang balance

The space you live influences your feeling. If you are often feeling sentimental, get depressed, always thinking about past, one of the causes may be coming from your living space. Is your room balanced with yin and yang ? If your room is full of yin energy, it may give you too much yin energy and it may make you feel too much sensitive, over react , slow movements, feeling of homelessness for your life. If your room has full of yang energy, it may make you always away from home, and not able to express your emotion easily, and make you feel hyperactive, and not practical enough. Basically, Yang energy makes you out going, quick action, confident, direct, focused, light, logical, strong, value decisiveness, change, Yin energy makes you quiet, physically oriented, value comfort and safety, imaginative, sensitive, soft, nurturing, slow movements, heavy, introspective. There is off course natural personality based on your birth date. Also the weather influence your feelings. There is a

Feng shui symbols for design fabric

You might never have thought that feng shui , besides color, the design of fabric also has some meaning which influences your luck . Whenever we decorate interiors at home and office, and also when we arrange our fashion, there seems to be hidden feng shui power through the design. Based on your lucky color, or each symbol of the color, if you also pay attention to the design , it will attract more luck which fits with your desire. For example, from my experience for job hunting , I always had a great experience for job hunting whenever I was wearing blue and white color striped shirt with dark blue suit in interviews. I always passed the examinations and could make good impression to the supervisors who were interviewing me. For interviews, I always thought depending on the person who interviewed me, there was always match or not.  Some supervisors made me feel uncomfortable to talk, and some I felt relaxed talking. And when I was wearing the blue and white shirt, I met superviso