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Showing posts from July, 2014

Feng shui tips - Good Friendship & Communication - Part 2  Southeast power If you are feeling left out from your friends,  using the power of the southeast direction may help to solve the issue. In feng shui, southeast symbolizes relationships, and communication , and it has power to increase any kind of relationship and help your communication with others go smoothly. Except for the times when Southeast direction has negative sign in the month and year, based on feng shui flyings stars, going to short trip to southeast direction can make you feel refreshed. It doesn’t matter whether just go shopping or just hang around in the southeast direction from your home,  the point is going to the Southeast direction from your home to get the power. South power  In order to get to the source of any problem you may have with your friendships/ relationships, by using the power of South direction , it may clear it up and may be able to find the best...